Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Watching the Beautiful Moon He Mused

Near the mountains
far off the city, the Zen
master lived a
humble life in a
plain hut.

A thief sneaked in
when he was away one day.
He searched and searched
but found nothing of value.

Seeing the master returning,
in panic he was fleeing.
"Wait," he heard
"A long way you came,
you will not go empty

Undressing himself he
gave the thief his clothes
and sat on the floor naked.
Watching the beautiful
moon he mused:
'Poor fella, I wish
I could give him the moon.'

Note: This is a rendering of a story
in Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, p 27, Tuttle
Publishing, Boston, 1998.

(via sulekha)