Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Shiva's New Wife

A Love Poem

A middle aged American woman
fully strange and wholly crazy,
is getting Indianised
seeing old Indian movies and
loving Indian love songs.
Throwing away her thongs,
she now wears a silk
floral sari six yards long,
hiding well her bulging
behind on her stump like egs.

She got into Indian spirituality.
Shiva's lingam-worship she liked.
She bought a statue of Shiva's son,
that cute boy with an elephant head
whose favourite pets were mice and rats.

She thinks in her new Indian head
she could be the beautiful Parvati,
wife of Shiva, mother of Ganesha.
So to be in a loving family she worships
Shiva's lingam and loves her son, Ganesha.
She places on his lingam fresh red roses daily
and prays something in whispers closing her eyes.
(What she wishes you can well guess!)
She offers ladoos - Indian sweets -to Ganesha daily
to keep her son smiling for food for his favourite pets.

She had a cat, no man, a companion for umpteenth years
but the spinster cat committed suicide jumping out of window
thinking if no tomcat in this life, she would find in another.
Ganesha smiled at her cat's death going to some cat-heaven
and acquired a little white mouse with beady eyes and tiny whiskers
that came through the city's sewage pipe to find his master in the house.

Now the little rascal relishes ladoos, dances around lingam of Shiva.
It still does not see Parvati eye to eye but seems to like her well.
It does not chew her Kamasutra books nor her spiritual Vedic books,
nor does it chew that book on Kabala containing deep secrets of the world
and doesn't jump on quantum health books, nor on how to know your God.
It loves living a happy life making happy his master Ganesha and
Ganesha's father's new beautiful wife in a six yards long silk floral sari.

It's happy Christmas for Shiva and his lingam.
It's happy Christmas for Ganesha, his son.
It's happy Christmas for the beady-eyed white little rascal with tiny whiskers
and it's happy Christmas for Parvati, Shiva's new crazy Indianised American wife.

(via sulekha)